How do you differentiate yourself from the competition?  Do you tell customers that you can offer new vending machines?  Do you attach credit cards to your vending machines? Is it the service that you can guarantee?  Currently these are the three primary areas of differentiation open to vending companies in the UK.

Now, think about walking into a sales meeting and offering a micro market instead of a vending machine.  Right away you are going to get the attention of the buyer because just like you, they are looking to differentiate themselves from their competition.  They are looking to attract and retain top talent.  They are looking for ways to give back to their employees that is different from what anyone else is doing.  They have also not been presented with this solution until now.

When explained correctly, a micro market is going to set your sales team up for success like they have not seen in years.  The micro market allows them to get in the door with a product offered by very few at the moment, certainly within the UK.  Micro markets enable you to offer coupons, rewards, customise your own loyalty points systems, run meal deals, advertisements, guest passes, subsidised products, vouchers and so much more.  You are going to be able to offer a vast array of products ranging from traditional items found in vending machines currently, to full hearty meals.

Micro markets are loaded with inventory intelligence that will allow you to stock the markets with exactly the right amount of products as well as monitor items that are not selling.  You will be able to see real-time data allowing you to make decisions and troubleshoot hardware all from your desktop computer.

For many customers, it is not if they are going to consider micro markets but when.  Begin 2019 with a point-of-difference from your competition and see what it can do for your business.

Tony Danna,

Director, Three Square Market

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